Hosting FAQ

What is an asylum seeker?
An asylum seeker is a person from another country who has entered the asylum process in the United States. The process begins at the border or within the US, when a migrant declares a well-founded fear of violence or persecution in their home country due to race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. If this initial “credible fear” testimony is provisionally accepted, the person is admitted and may legally remain the United States until their asylum case is decided.

What does the host provide?
The host offers safe shelter, food, and basic necessities for an asylum seeker, or guest, without any expectation of an exchange of services in return.

Will I be responsible for all my guest's needs?
Not at all! A dedicated group of volunteers will form a Support Team, committed to supporting the host family and the guest(s) they are hosting. The team will be coordinated by a Team Leader who is responsive to needs as they arise, on part of both guests and hosts.

How long will a guest stay in my home?
Hosts are generally asked to make a commitment for six months to a year
What if my budget will not cover the cost of food for the guest?
Let us know. Project Home can help with this.
What else will Project Home provide?
Project Home will cover the guests’ other expenses, such as
Phone and phone plan
Legal, medical, educational fees
A small monthly stipend as pocket money
What goes into hosting?

What is the process for becoming a host with Project Home?
After you submit your application, your references will be called.
You will be contacted to set up a time to talk by phone or video.
If it seems to be a good fit, we will schedule a visit in your home.
You will then fill out an on-line permission form for a criminal background check.

What is the process for selecting the guest(s) I will be hosting?
Taking into account your requirements and conditions, we will search for an asylum seeker who will fit into your home situation, and whose needs Project Home is able to meet.
We will then provide you the name and location of your prospective guest(s), plus any information that we have gathered.
Before any commitment is made, we will try to arrange for you and the prospective guest(s) to meet via video.
A positive decision requires the consent of the asylum seeker, the host, and Project Home.

What will the support team do?
Help the guest(s) get connected to the community
Help them shop for appropriate clothing
Engage an immigration lawyer
Arrange for health and dental care
Arrange for adult(s) to attend English language classes
Enroll children in school
Provide transportation
Arrange translation/interpretation services
Meet other needs outside the home as they arise
Want to know more? These are some helpful insights into the process. If you have further questions, you can always email us at:

Ready to apply?
Great! Please click on either the PDF or Word version of the application and send it in via email to and we will be in touch with you to discuss your interest further.